Hari ni nak citer, ada orang jauh datang melawat ai.... Ex-student Setiabudi, Nabilah Nur Husna datang melawat dengan abangnya, yang mana kedua-duanya pelajar perubatan di Mesir. Sebenarnya saya ada order barang dengan Husna ni, Coklat n Habbatussauda'. Alang-alang hantar barang, datanglah melawat saya dan baby Hamzah.
Pelbagai perkara yang disembangkan, perihal kehidupan mereka sebagai pelajar di Mesir, kehidupan dan cara hidup orang Mesir dan makanan (itu yang paling penting). Bagi kami yang tak pernah ke sana, hanya mendengar kisah sahaja. Bilalah nak melawat tempat orang Arab, especially... Di Mekah dan Madinah dah pi... teringin nak melawat tengok negara Arab yang lain.
To Husna, thanks for coming to our house... Do come again next time. Many things that we can catch-up later.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Friday, July 23, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Jom la Jalan-jalan!!!
Jom JALAN -JALAN ke Kedai Online kami. Kami menjual Cloth Diaper yang menarik dan harga yang berpatutan...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Diet dan Nutrisi
Entry kali ni bukan nak ajar macam mana nak diet. Saya sendiri fail bab-bab diet ni. Status saya di Facebook mengundang kegelisahan di kalangan kawan-kawan mengenai bagaimana nak meningkatkan susu semasa mengandung dan menyusukan anak. Sila baca INI.
Entry ini akan berkongsi apakah sumber mineral atau vitamin yang ada dalam makanan/sayuran/buah-buahan tempatan.
Saya tak nak citer pasal piramid makanan ni sebab banyak sangat digembar-gemburkan oleh media tapi kurang detail tentang berapa portion bagi kumpulan karbohidrat yang perlu diambil dalam sehari.
Ada yang suarakan kebimbangan, kalau tak minum susu, macam mana nak dapatkan protin dan kalsium utk kandungan atau baby? Jangan risau, bukan susu sahaja yang mampu membekalkan protin dan kalsium. Banyak lagi sumber makanan yang lain yang mampu membekalkan protin dan kalsium, sepertimana susu itu sendiri.
Ini yang Basic bagi ibu mengandung dan ibu menyusukan anak. Mineral yang lain tu, kena gali lain. Sekarang ni kita nak tengok apa yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan tempatan. Confirm anda pasti terkejut.
Berbalik kepada konsep 'SUPPLY AND DEMAND' dan untuk memastikan pengeluaran susu yang berterusan hendaklah:
mbek!!! Tetapi janganlah kita terlalu rigid sehingga kita lupa bahawa di sekeliling kita ini terlalu banyak rezeki yang Allah kurniakan. Kadang-kala kita tak terfikir tentang ibu-ibu yang berada di negara-negara dunia ke-3 yang mana sumber makanan yang terlalu terhad, tetapi mereka mampu menyusukan bayi mereka. Kita yang terlebih rezeki ni, mestilah lagi BOLEH menyusukan bayi kita sendiri.
Penyusuan adalah FITRAH dan kita perlu kembali ke FITRAH...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Entry kali ni bukan nak ajar macam mana nak diet. Saya sendiri fail bab-bab diet ni. Status saya di Facebook mengundang kegelisahan di kalangan kawan-kawan mengenai bagaimana nak meningkatkan susu semasa mengandung dan menyusukan anak. Sila baca INI.
Entry ini akan berkongsi apakah sumber mineral atau vitamin yang ada dalam makanan/sayuran/buah-buahan tempatan.
Piramid Makanan yang Femes oleh KKM
Saya tak nak citer pasal piramid makanan ni sebab banyak sangat digembar-gemburkan oleh media tapi kurang detail tentang berapa portion bagi kumpulan karbohidrat yang perlu diambil dalam sehari.
Ada yang suarakan kebimbangan, kalau tak minum susu, macam mana nak dapatkan protin dan kalsium utk kandungan atau baby? Jangan risau, bukan susu sahaja yang mampu membekalkan protin dan kalsium. Banyak lagi sumber makanan yang lain yang mampu membekalkan protin dan kalsium, sepertimana susu itu sendiri.
- daging lembu, ayam, kambing
- Ikan dan kekerang
- Produk tenusu - cottage cheese, keju, yogurt dan susu
- Telur, putih telur dan bahan gantian telur
- Kekacang, kacang pis, oat, bijian
- Tauhu dan produk soya
- Yogurt, plain atau vanilla
- Yogurt, berperisa
- Susu
- Susu coklat
- Swiss cheese
- Tauhu, diproses dengan kalsium sulfat
- Jus oren yang diperkaya dengan kalsium
- Hard cheese ie cheddar
- Salmon
- Puding
- Sardin
- Keju Parmesan
- Ais krim (
yum yum) - Buah tin kering (figs)
- Badam (Almond)
- Cottage cheese
- Tempe
- Kacang soya bakar
- Coklat susu
- Oren
- kacang bendi
- Brokoli
- kailan
- sawi
Ini yang Basic bagi ibu mengandung dan ibu menyusukan anak. Mineral yang lain tu, kena gali lain. Sekarang ni kita nak tengok apa yang terdapat dalam buah-buahan tempatan. Confirm anda pasti terkejut.
- kelapa - Vitamin C, Kalsium, zat besi, protin, Kalium
- Durian - Kalsium (!), zat besi, vitamin A, vitamin C, folat, magnesium, fosforus, natrium, kalium (sekarang ni musim durian, apa lagi, REMBAT!!!)
- Nangka - Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Kalsium, zat besi, folat, protin, magnesium, fosforus, kalium, selenium
- Limau bali/gedang - Vitamin C, kalium, zat besi, kalsium, protin, magnesium, kalium, serat
- Rambutan - kalsium, magnesium, kalium, fosforus, vitamin C, vitamin A, sukrosa, natrium
- Pisang - Kalium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, zat besi, protin, lysin, niasin, folat, vitamin K, kalsium, fosforus, natrium, selenium, magnesium
- Ciku - kalsium, karbohidrat, fosforus, natrium, kalium, niasin (vit B3), vitamin C, karoten, zat besi
- Manggis - zat besi, kalsium, vitamin C, vitamin A, folat, magnesium, fosforus, natrium, kalium
Berbalik kepada konsep 'SUPPLY AND DEMAND' dan untuk memastikan pengeluaran susu yang berterusan hendaklah:
- sentiasa kosongkan payudara dengan cara menyusukan bayi atau memerah ikut jadual apabila berjauhan dgn bayi (kerja), jangan skip jadual atau tunggu payudara anda penuh atau berat
- sentiasa berfikiran positif yang susu akan sentiasa ada - sikit atau banyak itu rezeki dari Allah
- sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah supaya Allah sentiasa memberikan kita rezeki untuk menyusukan bayi kita
Penyusuan adalah FITRAH dan kita perlu kembali ke FITRAH...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Friday, July 9, 2010
Doa Ibu Bapa Untuk Anak-anak
Pendidikan anak-anak adalah pendidikan yang berterusan, tiada istilah berhenti pada usia yang tertentu. Mereka perlukan belaian, sentuhan, pujian dan dorongan sepanjang hayat mereka. Saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana untuk meransang keyakinan anak anda dan mendorong anak berakhlak mulia.
Ransang Keyakinan Anak
Sesungguhnya kuasa sentuhan pada pagi hari dari ayah dan ibu terhadap anak yang akan melangkah ke sekolah dapat menambahkan keyakinan diri menghadapi suasana pembelajaran di sekolah.
Digalakkan setiap pagi sebelum anak ke sekolah, ibu atau ayah boleh melakukan teknik urutan ransangan ini bagi memantapkan keyakinan diri anak ketika berada di sekolah.
Ketika kita meletakkan tangan ke atas kepala anak, berdoalah supaya anak dikuatkan keyakinan tauhidnya kepada Allah SWT dan bacalah doa-doa yang lain yang anda tahu. Letak tangan selama 30 saat atau lebih.
Tips: Jika anak ramai, boleh sediakan satu jag air untuk didoakan. Sebaik-baiknya doa dibuat oleh ibu dan ayah kerana kedua-duanya sangat hamopir dengan anak-anak. Doa dari kedua orang yang dikasihi Allah ini adalah makbul, insya-Allah.
Rujukan: Majalah Anis keluaran bulan Julai 2010 m/s 54-55
Sama-samalah kita mengamalkan dan istiqamah dalam mendidik anak-anak. Doa mereka yang kita harapkan apabila kita kembali menghadapNya. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Pendidikan anak-anak adalah pendidikan yang berterusan, tiada istilah berhenti pada usia yang tertentu. Mereka perlukan belaian, sentuhan, pujian dan dorongan sepanjang hayat mereka. Saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana untuk meransang keyakinan anak anda dan mendorong anak berakhlak mulia.
Ransang Keyakinan Anak
Sesungguhnya kuasa sentuhan pada pagi hari dari ayah dan ibu terhadap anak yang akan melangkah ke sekolah dapat menambahkan keyakinan diri menghadapi suasana pembelajaran di sekolah.
Digalakkan setiap pagi sebelum anak ke sekolah, ibu atau ayah boleh melakukan teknik urutan ransangan ini bagi memantapkan keyakinan diri anak ketika berada di sekolah.
- Tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Gosok kedua belah tangan sebanyak 15 kali atau lebih.
- Semasa menggosok tangan, baca surah al-Fatihah atau apa sahaja doa kebaikan untuk anak. Buka tangan dan tiup tapak tangan sambil berselawat.
- Letakkan tapak tangan kanan di bahagian atas kepala kanan anak (kawasan otak kanan) dan tangan kiri atas kepala kiri anak (kawasan otak kiri).
Ketika kita meletakkan tangan ke atas kepala anak, berdoalah supaya anak dikuatkan keyakinan tauhidnya kepada Allah SWT dan bacalah doa-doa yang lain yang anda tahu. Letak tangan selama 30 saat atau lebih.
- Kaedah ini boleh juga dilakukan pada bila-bila masa samada ketika anak sedang menonton televisyen, semasa hendak memulakan pelajaran di rumah atau ketika menyertai apa-apa pertandingan.
- Para guru juga boleh melakukan kaedah ini kepada anak-anak muridnya dan niatkan semasa meletakkan tangan di atas kepala mereka, mudah-mudahan mereka menjadi anak murid yang baik dan pintar. (Guru lelaki untuk pelajar lelaki dan guru perempuan untuk pelajar perempuan, jangan terbalik pulak ye!)
- Sediakan sebekas air
- Bacakan pada air surah ar-Rahman (juz 27) ayat 1 hingga 5. Firman Allah SWT: "Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, Dialah yang mengajarkan manusia Al-Quran, Dialah yang telah menciptakan manusia, Dia yang telah membolehkan manusia pandai berbicara, Matahari dan bulan beredar menurut peraturan dan perhitungan yang ditentukan."
- Baca nama Allah ke-40: Al-Muqit berulang-kali (sekurang-kurangnya lima kali) pada air tersebut.
Tips: Jika anak ramai, boleh sediakan satu jag air untuk didoakan. Sebaik-baiknya doa dibuat oleh ibu dan ayah kerana kedua-duanya sangat hamopir dengan anak-anak. Doa dari kedua orang yang dikasihi Allah ini adalah makbul, insya-Allah.
Rujukan: Majalah Anis keluaran bulan Julai 2010 m/s 54-55
Sama-samalah kita mengamalkan dan istiqamah dalam mendidik anak-anak. Doa mereka yang kita harapkan apabila kita kembali menghadapNya. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Monday, July 5, 2010
Penghasilan susu: Dari kehamilan sehinggalah minggu-minggu pertama kelahiran
nak citer pasal bagaimana susu ibu dihasilkan tetapi acik tak larat nak tranlate, takut salah tafsiran. Baiklah dikekalkan dalam bahasa asalnya, iaitu Bahasa Inggeris. Jikalau teman-teman tak berapa nak faham dengan ayat yang panjang-panjang ni, boleh calling-calling aii ye... Selamat membaca, ye!!
In the Beginning...
Endocrine (Hormonal) Control of Milk Synthesis -- Lactogenesis I & II
Milk production doesn’t start out as a supply and demand process. During pregnancy and the first few days postpartum, milk supply is hormonally driven – this is called the endocrine control system. Essentially, as long as the proper hormones are in place, mom will start making colostrum about halfway through pregnancy (Lactogenesis I) and her milk will increase in volume (Lactogenesis II) around 30-40 hours after birth.During the latter part of pregnancy, the breasts are making colostrum, but high levels of progesterone inhibit milk secretion and keep the volume “turned down”. At birth, the delivery of the placenta results in a sudden drop in progesterone/estrogen/HPL levels. This abrupt withdrawal of progesterone in the presence of high prolactin levels cues Lactogenesis II (copious milk production). Other hormones (insulin, thyroxine, cortisol) are also involved, but their roles are not yet well understood. Although biochemical markers indicate that Lactogenesis II commences approximately 30-40 hours after birth, mothers do not typically begin feeling increased breast fullness (the sensation of milk "coming in") until 50-73 hours (2-3 days) after birth.
These first two stages of lactation are hormonally driven – they occur whether or not a mother is breastfeeding her baby.

Established Lactation...
Autocrine (Local) Control of Milk Synthesis -- Lactogenesis III
After Lactogenesis II, there is a switch to the autocrine (or local) control system. This maintenance stage of milk production is also called Lactogenesis III. In the maintenance stage, milk synthesis is controlled at the breast -- milk removal is the primary control mechanism for supply. Milk removal is driven by baby’s appetite. Although hormonal problems can still interfere with milk supply, hormonal levels play a much lesser role in established lactation. Under normal circumstances, the breasts will continue to make milk indefinitely as long as milk removal continues.By understanding how local/autocrine control of milk synthesis works, we can gain an understanding of how to effectively increase (or decrease) milk supply.
What does current research tell us about milk production?
Current research suggests that there are two factors that control milk synthesis:Milk contains a small whey protein called Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation (FIL) – the role of FIL appears to be to slow milk synthesis when the breast is full. Thus milk production slows when milk accumulates in the breast (and more FIL is present), and speeds up when the breast is emptier (and less FIL is present).

The hormone prolactin must be present for milk synthesis to occur. On the walls of the lactocytes (milk-producing cells of the alveoli) are prolactin receptor sites that allow the prolactin in the blood stream to move into the lactocytes and stimulate the synthesis of breastmilk components. When the alveolus is full of milk, the walls expand/stretch and alter the shape of prolactin receptors so that prolactin cannot enter via those receptor sites – thus rate of milk synthesis decreases. As milk empties from the alveolus, increasing numbers of prolactin receptors return to their normal shape and allow prolactin to pass through - thus rate of milk synthesis increases. The prolactin receptor theory suggests that frequent milk removal in the early weeks will increase the number of receptor sites. More receptor sites means that more prolactin can pass into the lactocytes and thus milk production capability would be increased.
Both of the above factors support research findings that tell us:
How does milk supply vary throughout the day?
Earlier researchers observed that milk volume is typically greater in the morning hours (a good time to pump if you need to store milk), and falls gradually as the day progresses. Fat content tends to increase as the day progresses (Hurgoiu V, 1985). These observations are consistent with current research if we assume the researchers were observing babies with a fairly typical nursing pattern, where baby has a longer sleep period at night and gradually decreases the amount of time between nursing as the day progresses.

What does the research tell us about increasing milk supply?
Milk is being produced at all times, with speed of production depending upon how empty the breast is. Milk collects in mom's breasts between feedings, so the amount of milk stored in the breast between feedings is greater when more time has passed since the last feed. The more milk in the breast, the slower the speed of milk production.To speed milk synthesis and increase daily milk production, the key is to remove more milk from the breast and to do this quickly and frequently, so that less milk accumulates in the breast between feedings:
In practice, this means that a mother who wishes to increase milk supply should aim to keep the breasts as empty as possible throughout the day.
To accomplish this goal and increase milk production:
- Empty the breasts more frequently (by nursing more often and/or adding pumping sessions between nursing sessions)
- Empty the breasts as thoroughly as possible at each nursing/pumping session.
To better empty the breasts:
- Make sure baby is nursing efficiently.
- Use breast massage and compression.
- Offer both sides at each nursing; wait until baby is finished with the first side before offering the second. Switch nursing may be helpful if baby is not draining the breast well.
- Pump after nursing if baby does not adequately soften both breasts. If baby empties the breasts well, then pumping is more useful if done between nursing sessions (in light of our goal to keep the breasts as empty as possible).
Are you having problems with oversupply?
Mothers who are working to remedy oversupply usually need to decrease supply without decreasing overall nursing frequency or weaning baby. One way to accomplish this is by "block nursing" - mom nurses baby as frequently as usual but restricts baby to one breast for a set period of time (often 3-4 hours but sometimes longer) before switching sides. In this way, more milk accumulates in the breast before mom switches sides (thus slowing milk production) but baby's nursing frequency is not limited.Bahan ini saya telah ambil cedok dari, laman sesawang untuk penyusuan susu ibu dan keibubapaan..
Happy breastfeeding!!!
Salam sayang XOXO
Polisi Penyusuan Susu Ibu Malaysia
Ramai di kalangan teman-teman tau tentang susu ibu tapi adakah sedar tentang kewujudan Polisi Penyusuan Susu Ibu Malaysia? Polisi ini banyak ditampal/digantung di klinik-klinik kesihatan kerajaan dan hospital rakan bayi.
Di sini disertakan Polisi Penyusuan Susu Ibu Malaysia untuk tatapan bakal ibu-ibu dan ibu-ibu baru.
Semua ibu digalakkan menyusui anaknya dengan SUSU IBU SAHAJA dari lahir sehingga berumur 6 bulan dan meneruskannya sehingga mencapai umur DUA TAHUN.
Makanan pelengkap perlu diberikan mulai umur 6 bulan dan ke atas.
Ini bermakna dari lahir hingga 6 bulan bayi:
- diberi susu ibu sahaja
- tidak perlu air atau susu tambahan (Artificial Breast Milk / Formula Milk)
- tidak perlu makanan pelengkap (nasi lenyek, pisang, Nestum etc)
Kepada bakal ibu-ibu, penyusuan susu ibu adalah fitrah tetapi ia tidak datang dengan sendiri. Seperti memasak dan menjahit, ia adalah satu teknik yang perlu dipelajari, begitu juga babywearing. Nak menjayakannya, kena lalui segala rintangan, barulah pengakhirannya akan menjadi kenangan manis.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Adakah kita perlukan suplemen? Kenapa? Penat? Makan tak menentu? Puasa? Macam-macam sebab dan ada di antara kita memang perlukan suplemen, termasuk diriku. Kadang kala kita terlupa, jiwa kita pun perlukan suplemen. Apa dia? Ingin sekali berkongsi dengan teman-teman yang mana aku 'cedok' dari blog teman yang rapat, Along aka Azrina aka MamaAnA.
Tangan sekecil ini dicucuk dengan jarum, apatah lagi bayi yang berusia 2-3 hari disyaki jaundis. Kecil-kecil lagi kena amik darah. Misi-misi ni plak, cekap betul... tangan kecil tu boleh cari urat nak cucuk amik darah...
Alhamdulillah, Hamzah dah sihat dan menyusu dengan baik, tetapi sekarang ni sebelum menyusu dia akan melalak terlebih dahulu, marah dengan bahasa dia then baru menyusu.. dah pandai bermain dengan emosi ye.
Apa-apa pun, Hamzah memang seorang Mujahid.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Adakah kita perlukan suplemen? Kenapa? Penat? Makan tak menentu? Puasa? Macam-macam sebab dan ada di antara kita memang perlukan suplemen, termasuk diriku. Kadang kala kita terlupa, jiwa kita pun perlukan suplemen. Apa dia? Ingin sekali berkongsi dengan teman-teman yang mana aku 'cedok' dari blog teman yang rapat, Along aka Azrina aka MamaAnA.
- Jaga solat
- Jika ada kelapangan lakukan solat-solat sunat seperti solat Dhuha, solat taubat, solat hajat, solat tahajud
- Amalkan zikir Ya Matin(Kukuh)- perbanyakkan susu, zikir sebanyak-banyaknya dengan hati yang ikhlas, Insyaallah kesulitan kita akan lenyap
- Zikir Ya Wahhab(Maha Pemberi) - 300x setiap hari setelah selesai solat 5 waktu, akan termakbul permohonannya
- Zikir Ya Lathiff - 133x setiap hari, hikmahnya akan memperolehi taufiq dan hidayah dari ALLAH swt. Insyaallah akan berhasil dalam setiap usaha dan dilimpahi rezekinya
- Perbanyakkan istighfar dan selawat setiap hari (100x)
- Setiap malam baca Al Waqiah kerana ini adalah surah kekayaan dan dipermudahkan di dalam setiap apa yang kita lakukan. Sebelum baca baca dalam hati dengan niat untuk sedekahkan kepada suami, anak-anak, ibubapa kita, kaum Muslimin dan Musliman juga Insyaallah akan dilembutkan hati-hati mereka, dimurahkan rezeki juga
- Jangan lupa sebelum memulakan sesuatu bacalah Bismillah
Tangan sekecil ini dicucuk dengan jarum, apatah lagi bayi yang berusia 2-3 hari disyaki jaundis. Kecil-kecil lagi kena amik darah. Misi-misi ni plak, cekap betul... tangan kecil tu boleh cari urat nak cucuk amik darah...
Alhamdulillah, Hamzah dah sihat dan menyusu dengan baik, tetapi sekarang ni sebelum menyusu dia akan melalak terlebih dahulu, marah dengan bahasa dia then baru menyusu.. dah pandai bermain dengan emosi ye.
Apa-apa pun, Hamzah memang seorang Mujahid.
salam sayang.. XOXO..
diri sendiri,
Friday, July 2, 2010
HUNBABA Mei Tai Baby Carrier Guest Giveawayy
HUNBABA Mei Tai Baby Carrier Guest Giveaway

I love the look of this baby carrier. I especially love the hand stitched embroidery. Not your average black vinyl baby carrier.
Kekesi Marti the creative hand behind Hunbaba is offering her most popular carrier, the Mei Tai Baby (featured above) to one lucky Grosgrain reader, worth $99.
The Hunbaba Mei Tai baby carrier combines comfort, excellent weight distribution, beauty and stylish design. Every piece is handmade from top quality fabric, with lots of fun and love.
It can be used with babies from 3 months to toddlers in front and back carries.The Hunbaba mei tai:
*Correctly distributes the baby's weight to prevent an aching back.
*It is constructed of twill and reinforced all over with heavy canvas for sturdiness and durability.
*The padded shoulder straps are 200 cm+ long
*The waist strap is heavily padded which makes the carrier very sturdy. The waist strap can be rolled up to shorten the body for little babies.
*The body is slightly contoured and reinforced with several layers of canvas.
*The hood holds the sleeping baby's head. It is decorated with a wonderful embroidery.
- Twill and canvas are 100% cotton.
- Padding is 100% polyester.
- I use high quality Gütermann thread.
- All materials has been washed from 1 to 3 times so it is pre-shrunk and free of excess dye: It will not bleed onto the panel when washing.
I won't ask you why you didn't breastfeed
Artikel ini disalin dari blog PhD in Parenting... Renung-renungkan.. Ada di antara teman-teman kita mempunyai sebab untuk tidak menyusukan anak. Pelbagai aspek perlu dilihat...
This post isn’t addressed to any person in particular, but is addressed to any friend who ends up not breastfeeding. I was inspired to write it when I read these words by my friend Arwyn from Raising My Boychick:
Dear friend,
I won’t ask you why you didn’t breastfeed. It isn’t because I don’t care about you (I do). It isn’t because I don’t want to hear your story (I’m here to listen). It isn’t because I’m judging you smugly in silence (I’m not). But I won’t ask you.
I won’t ask you because it is none of my business. The decision to breastfeed or not is a very personal one. People sometimes have very personal reasons for choosing not to breastfeed. That can include medical reasons, past sexual abuse, or simply feeling repulsed by the idea of breastfeeding. Sometimes people really wanted to breastfeed and tried really hard, but it just didn’t work out and talking about it opens the wounds again each time. So I won’t ask, because I don’t want people to feel forced into telling me something extremely personal and I also don’t want them to lie about their reasons in order to avoid telling me something so personal. I RESPECT your PRIVACY.
I also won’t ask you because I don’t like people inadvertently spreading myths about breastfeeding. While a lot of people do stop breastfeeding for perfectly good reasons (personal ones or medical ones), there are also lots of people who stop breastfeeding because they believed something that just wasn’t true. Maybe they thought their breasts would get saggy (not true), maybe they thought they didn’t have enough milk because their baby always seemed hungry (sometimes true, but usually not), maybe they thought a bottle would help their baby sleep better (nope), maybe they believed that because their diet isn’t perfect that their baby wouldn’t get enough nutrients from breastmilk (not true). When they repeat those myths over and over again, other people internalize them, believe them, pass them along and contribute to myths passing as truths.
So I won’t ask.
But if you do want to tell me your story, which a lot of people do, I am here to listen. I will, as Arwyn suggests, first and foremost shut up and listen. When I respond, I will never question whether you tried hard enough or whether your reasons were good enough. That isn’t my place. I will support you and I will mourn with you the loss of your nursing relationship (if that is how you perceive it).
But, and this is where it becomes difficult for me, I will try to gently correct any incorrect information that you share. I won’t jump right in and say “that is complete nonsense”. Instead, I will ask questions and try to understand why you believe what you do. As I do that, I’ll try to find the most gentle, caring way to share with you the information I have that is different.
This is really hard because people get defensive. They may get defensive because they are using a commonly held breastfeeding myth as a cover for a deeper reason for not breastfeeding that they do not want to share and they really don’t want their cover to be blown. Or they may get defensive because they really believed that myth and if it isn’t true, then it puts their decision into question. I don’t want to blow anyone’s cover and I don’t want anyone to feel bad about a decision that they made, especially if they made it because of bad information given to them by someone else. But…but…but…I don’t want other women to give up on breastfeeding because they believe something to be true that really isn’t true and I don’t want you to be robbed of the opportunity to nurse your future children (if you want to) because you believe something that really isn’t true.
So I’ll listen, I’ll support you, I’ll support your decision (whether made with good information or bad), but I will, ever so gently, correct any information that is not true. And I’m so sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me.
Take care,
I should note as well, because I couldn’t find a way to work it into the letter, that if I know a friend is planning to breastfeed, I often try to arm them with good information (e.g. good books, good websites, how to find a lactation consultant) ahead of time and let them know that I am there if they have any questions at all. I extend the offer to help, but I don’t push it. It is up to them to take me up on the offer if they so choose.
p/s: Jika ada kawan-kawan di luar sana yang perlukan teman untuk berbicara, saya sedia mendengar dan membantu, insya-Allah...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
This post isn’t addressed to any person in particular, but is addressed to any friend who ends up not breastfeeding. I was inspired to write it when I read these words by my friend Arwyn from Raising My Boychick:
So make the space. When someone says she didn’t breastfeed because it was creepy, listen to her. When someone doesn’t want to tell you why she didn’t breastfeed, or gives you a reason you know to be false, realize you don’t know the whole story, and grant her her privacy. When someone says she didn’t love every damn minute of nursing, don’t assume she’s anti-breastfeeding.I agree with Arwyn’s words, but wanted to take it a step back and explain to my readers and friends why I won’t ask: “Why aren’t you breastfeeding?”.
Mostly, shut up and listen.
Dear friend,
I won’t ask you why you didn’t breastfeed. It isn’t because I don’t care about you (I do). It isn’t because I don’t want to hear your story (I’m here to listen). It isn’t because I’m judging you smugly in silence (I’m not). But I won’t ask you.
I won’t ask you because it is none of my business. The decision to breastfeed or not is a very personal one. People sometimes have very personal reasons for choosing not to breastfeed. That can include medical reasons, past sexual abuse, or simply feeling repulsed by the idea of breastfeeding. Sometimes people really wanted to breastfeed and tried really hard, but it just didn’t work out and talking about it opens the wounds again each time. So I won’t ask, because I don’t want people to feel forced into telling me something extremely personal and I also don’t want them to lie about their reasons in order to avoid telling me something so personal. I RESPECT your PRIVACY.
I also won’t ask you because I don’t like people inadvertently spreading myths about breastfeeding. While a lot of people do stop breastfeeding for perfectly good reasons (personal ones or medical ones), there are also lots of people who stop breastfeeding because they believed something that just wasn’t true. Maybe they thought their breasts would get saggy (not true), maybe they thought they didn’t have enough milk because their baby always seemed hungry (sometimes true, but usually not), maybe they thought a bottle would help their baby sleep better (nope), maybe they believed that because their diet isn’t perfect that their baby wouldn’t get enough nutrients from breastmilk (not true). When they repeat those myths over and over again, other people internalize them, believe them, pass them along and contribute to myths passing as truths.
So I won’t ask.
But if you do want to tell me your story, which a lot of people do, I am here to listen. I will, as Arwyn suggests, first and foremost shut up and listen. When I respond, I will never question whether you tried hard enough or whether your reasons were good enough. That isn’t my place. I will support you and I will mourn with you the loss of your nursing relationship (if that is how you perceive it).
But, and this is where it becomes difficult for me, I will try to gently correct any incorrect information that you share. I won’t jump right in and say “that is complete nonsense”. Instead, I will ask questions and try to understand why you believe what you do. As I do that, I’ll try to find the most gentle, caring way to share with you the information I have that is different.
This is really hard because people get defensive. They may get defensive because they are using a commonly held breastfeeding myth as a cover for a deeper reason for not breastfeeding that they do not want to share and they really don’t want their cover to be blown. Or they may get defensive because they really believed that myth and if it isn’t true, then it puts their decision into question. I don’t want to blow anyone’s cover and I don’t want anyone to feel bad about a decision that they made, especially if they made it because of bad information given to them by someone else. But…but…but…I don’t want other women to give up on breastfeeding because they believe something to be true that really isn’t true and I don’t want you to be robbed of the opportunity to nurse your future children (if you want to) because you believe something that really isn’t true.
So I’ll listen, I’ll support you, I’ll support your decision (whether made with good information or bad), but I will, ever so gently, correct any information that is not true. And I’m so sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me.
Take care,
I should note as well, because I couldn’t find a way to work it into the letter, that if I know a friend is planning to breastfeed, I often try to arm them with good information (e.g. good books, good websites, how to find a lactation consultant) ahead of time and let them know that I am there if they have any questions at all. I extend the offer to help, but I don’t push it. It is up to them to take me up on the offer if they so choose.
p/s: Jika ada kawan-kawan di luar sana yang perlukan teman untuk berbicara, saya sedia mendengar dan membantu, insya-Allah...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Nak Vacuum Jap!!!
Aduhai, dah lama tak berbelog... Minta maaf kepada yag menantimacam lah acik ni best bebenor.. :P
Bukan apa, rasanya ramai yang maklum, sejak kelahiran Hamzah 2 bulan lepas, masa diserang muscle spasm memang terbaring je, menyusu pun berbaring, tak leh mengiring ke kiri, ke kanan.. Selepas 6 minggu menerima rawatan fisioterapi di Hospital Batu Gajah, Alhamdulillah, ada perkembangan.. dari tak boleh bangun, dah boleh bangun, duduk, berdiri, berjalan.. skang ni dah boleh dukung dan bawa anak sambil berjalan, itu pun jalan capek-capek sikit... skang ni, takut nak tunduk letak/ambil anak... tak pe, slow-slow ye..
Nanti kita share pasal penyusuan dan babywearing... acik ni baru berjinak-jinak nak berCD tapi mak maleh nak basuh... eh, kenapa mak plak? sebab acik ni tak leh buat keje yang terbongkok2...
Okeylah, sampai di sini.. adios...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
Aduhai, dah lama tak berbelog... Minta maaf kepada yag menanti
Bukan apa, rasanya ramai yang maklum, sejak kelahiran Hamzah 2 bulan lepas, masa diserang muscle spasm memang terbaring je, menyusu pun berbaring, tak leh mengiring ke kiri, ke kanan.. Selepas 6 minggu menerima rawatan fisioterapi di Hospital Batu Gajah, Alhamdulillah, ada perkembangan.. dari tak boleh bangun, dah boleh bangun, duduk, berdiri, berjalan.. skang ni dah boleh dukung dan bawa anak sambil berjalan, itu pun jalan capek-capek sikit... skang ni, takut nak tunduk letak/ambil anak... tak pe, slow-slow ye..
Nanti kita share pasal penyusuan dan babywearing... acik ni baru berjinak-jinak nak berCD tapi mak maleh nak basuh... eh, kenapa mak plak? sebab acik ni tak leh buat keje yang terbongkok2...
Okeylah, sampai di sini.. adios...
salam sayang.. XOXO..
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